Our usual annual symposium in the fall will be postponed due to the current COVID-19 restrictions. However, we are not fully going to cancel the day! We have invited Dr. Ester Hammond from the University of Oxford to give an online lecture about her exciting recent work. Subsequently, we will have our NVRB members meeting, in which we will discuss the NVRB activities and the financial status of our association. Furthermore, we have rescheduled the NVRB annual symposium to Friday the 9th of April 2021, so please mark this date in your calendar. Whether this will be a ‘real-life’ or online symposium will be decided in a few months. If you have any suggestions for topics, format or speakers, please let us know.

Lecture Dr. Ester Hammond, University of Oxford (online) Title: Hypoxia links the unfolded protein response and replication stress5th of November 2020 11-12h NVRB members meeting (online) 5th of November 2020 12-12.30h

Zoom link will be sent to all members by email.