We are one of the youngest universities in Germany and think in terms of opportunities instead of possible limitations. Located in the heart of the Ruhr Metropolis, we have 11 faculties seeking to develop innovative ideas for the future. We are dedicated to research and teaching, live diversity, support potential, and are highly committed to educational equality.
The University of Duisburg Essen offers at the Medical Faculty the position of an
Endowed Professorship (Bes.-Gr. W 3) for Molecular Tumor Research
(initially with fixed-term contract for 5 years)
The holder of the professorship has to represent the subject “Molecular Tumor Research” in research and academic teaching.
The endowed professorship established at the Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research) is funded by the LEPPER Foundation and shall focus on Basic Cancer Research. It is expected that the eligible candidate will establish and head an independent research group at the Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research) with own third-party funding.
We seek for a scientist with documented and excellent expertise in basic cancer research and international visibility in the research areas “Tumor Epigenetics” or “Lymphoma Pathogenesis”. Experience in independent management of a scientific research group is requested. Publications in high impact peer-reviewed journals as well as adequate experience in the attraction and implementation of projects with competitively obtained own funds are expected, at preference DFG projects. Academic studies of natural sciences or medicine are required.
It is expected that the future holder of the professorship will substantially contribute and strengthen the inter- and multidisciplinary-oriented research at the Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research), support and strengthen collaborative grant initiatives within the Oncology Focus of the Medical Faculty of the University Duisburg-Essen, contribute to local collaborative research initiatives, and help to expand local, national and international cooperations in joint research projects. Interest in active cooperation with experimental and clinical research groups at the Medical Faculty and the Center of Medical Biotechnology (ZMB) at the University-Duisburg-Essen is expected.
The Institute of Cell Biology (Cancer Research) and the University of Duisburg-Essen provide an excellent scientific environment with numerous excellent central facilities, e.g. a platform for genomic studies and an imaging center.
The faculty supports the following research priorities: cardiovascular disease, oncology, transplantation, immunology & infectiology, as well as neurosciences & behavioral sciences.
The University of Duisburg-Essen places particular emphasis on the quality of academic teaching. Eligible candidates should provide didactic concepts regarding potential teaching activities, considering the profile of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Qualifications according to § 36 Hochschulgesetz NRW (University Act of North-Rhine-Westphalia) are essential.
The University of Duisburg-Essen aims to increase diversity among its faculty members (see uni-due.de/diversity) and strives to increase the number of women in such positions; therefore, we especially invite women with relevant qualifications to apply. According to the state equality law, women with equal qualifications will receive preferential consideration. Applications from severely disabled candidates according to § 2 Abs. 3 SGB IX are welcome.
Applications with the following supporting documents (curriculum vitae, list of scientific publications (refer to www.uni-due.de/imperia/md/content/medizin/formblatt_aufbau_schriftenverzeichnis.pdf), documents on the scientific and professional career, copies of certificates, as well as the presentation of the own research profile and the resulting perspectives at the University of Duisburg-Essen, information on own third-party funding, participation in academic self-administration, past teaching experience, and concepts for teaching at the University of Duisburg-Essen) as well as the first most important publications shall be sent until 12th of December 2019 to the Dean of the Medical Faculty:
Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Duisburg-Essen
Herrn Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Jan Buer
Universitätsklinikum Essen
Hufelandstr. 55
D-45147 Essen
Please apply via E-mail at Berufungen@uk-essen.de as well as additionally with the mandatory application form (https://www.uni-due.de/med/de/organisation/bewerbungsbogen.php). Further information on the position and its embedding in the University of Duisburg-Essen as well as in the Faculty can be found at https://www.uni-due.de/med/en/organisation/berufungen.php.
(unauthorized translation of the German advertisement)