Klaas Breur travel grants

Every year, the NVRB awards a number of travel grants available from the Klaas Breur Fund during the scientific meetings to young researchers. The travel grant can be used to participate in a conference, course or research visit with a clear focus on radiobiology. The grants will be awarded to researchers who submit an abstract for a (poster) presentation at any meeting (co)organized by NVRB. The abstracts will be judged by the NVRB board members on (scientific) quality of the presented research and abstract.

Once the grant is awarded

Acknowledgement of the NVRB contribution (“Supported by the Dutch Society for Radiobiology”) and/or the NVRB logo under the abstract / poster / acknowledgements in the PowerPoint presentation will be appreciated. NVRB also requests a short report from the congress for which the grant is requested and this will be posted on the website.

Prof. Klaas Breur
Prof. Klaas Breur

Previous Awardees


  • Èlia Prades Sagarra (Maastricht University, left)
  • Kris Raaijmakers (Radboudumc, middle)
  • Katrin Pachler (Erasmus MC, right)


  • Anne Beerkens (Radboud UMC, left)

Thanks to the Klaas Breur travel award, I had the opportunity to attend the ESTRO 2024 in Glasgow. The ESTRO is an annual congress to disseminate the latest science in the field of radiotherapy and oncology. A lot of different talks about for example tumor radiobiology, hypoxia, DNA damage and the immune response were given. In addition, I also attended the pre-meeting course about Radio-metabolomics. The congress and pre-meeting course were very valuable, providing me with new insights and ideas for my own project.

  • Lesley Schuitmaker (Maastricht University, right).


  • Simone Kleinendorst (Radboudumc)

With the Klaas Breur travel award, I attended the 2nd International Workshop on Radiobiology of Molecular Radionuclide therapy at King’s college in London in March 2023. This was a perfect opportunity to meet colleagues from other institutes and countries, working on similar topics within the radiobiology field. Therefore, all talks were very relevant for my own research and knowledge, with topics like DNA damage response, immunological effects, hypoxia, radiosensitization, and (cellular) dosimetry. I also got the opportunity to present my own research, which resulted in nice discussions and ideas from other attendees. Furthermore, the workshop was very valuable in networking with the MRT radiobiology community and discuss together what the community needs and how we can move forward.

  • Justin Rondeau (Leuven University, Belgium)

2021 NVRB Fall Meeting

  • Alexander van der Wiel (Maastricht University, left on picture)
  • Thom Reuvers (Erasmus MC, right on picture)

2020 (NVRO/NVRB Joint Meeting)

  • Lorena Giuranno (MaastrO)

2019 Annual NVRB Symposium

  • Jenny Singh (LUMC)

The Klaas Breur travel award allowed me to join the virtual EMBO workshop on chromatin dynamics and nuclear organization held in December 2020. Although this meeting was held online, it nevertheless provided me the opportunity to present my work and have excellent discussions with researchers from the DNA repair and chromatin field. It also made me very happy to see old international friends whom I met at the EMBO workshop from the previous year. Thanks to the award I could listen to tremendous exciting talks from leaders in the field, present my own work and speak to old friends.

  • Danielle Voshart (UMCG)


  • Danny Feijtel (Erasmus MC)

Thanks to the Klaas Breur travel award I was able to attend the 2019 meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, held in Manchester. This enabled me to speak to some of our collaborators and colleagues, present my work, have fruitful discussions and also a very nice time. Because of the Klaas Breur travel award I acquired not only new ideas for my own research, but also new friends.

  • Magda Rother (LUMC)

The Klaas Breur travel award granted for my talk during the annual Netherlands Society for Radiobiology symposium in 2018 allowed me to travel to Spatial Genome Organization Conference held in February 2019 in Nassau, Bahamas. My presence at this international scientific conference gave me the opportunity to meet excellent scientists from molecular biology field, learn from great talks given by the senior researchers and become familiar with progress of other people’s work. I also had the opportunity to discuss my research with the scientific community and use the given feedback to further develop my research projects. Thanks to the award I could also spend time in a beautiful landscape of the Bahamas which developed an unforgettable memory in my mind.


  • Jakub Kochan (AMC)
  • Anne Margriet Heijink (UMCG)
  • Julie Nonnekens (ErasmusMC)
  • Xiaohong Peng (UMCG)


  • Bregje van Oorschot (AMC)
  • Arlene Oei (AMC)
  • Peter Nagle (UMCG)
  • Andries Groen (UMCG)
  • Daisy Wang (UMCG)
  • Annemarie Post (RadboudMC)
  • Nicolle Rekers (MaastrO)
  • Tom Keulers (MaastrO)
  • Julie Nonnekens (Erasmus MC) was awarded with an ERRS young investigator award.


  • Julie Nonnekens (Erasmus MC)
  • Marike van Gisbergen (MaastrO)
  • Arlene Oei (AMC)
  • Cecilia Rocchi (UMCG)
  • Ravi Narayan (VUMC) awarded with an ERRS young investigator award to travel to the 2015 ICRR congress.
  • Rob Coppes awarded with the Bacq and Alexander medal at the ERRS 2015.


  • Esther Kleibeuker (VUMC, Amsterdam)
  • Barry Jutten (MaastrO Lab, Maastricht)
  • Anika Nagelkerke (Radboud Unversity, Nijmegen)
  • Martti Maimets (UMC Groningen)


  • NVRB Young investigator award: Twan van den Beucken (Maastro Maastricht)
  • Monique Nijkamp (UMC Nijmegen)
  • Lalitha Nanduri (UMC Groningen)
  • Hanneke Stegeman (UMC Nijmegen)
  • Marloes Wennemers (UMC Nijmegen)


  • Martti Maimets (Department of Cell Biology, Section Radiation and Stress Cell Biology)
  • Ricardo Alexandre Leite (Erasmus MC, Rotterdam)
  • Sonja van der Veen (University Medical Centre, Groningen)
  • Ingar Seemann (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)